1-)Personal presentation (name nickname age current location) : : Hello guys My name is xr3qi I'm 24 years old from Turkey.
2-)Tell us about yourself(Story of your career in MTA): I've been playing this game for about as long as I can remember, I think this will be my 4 year of continuous play (except when I'm inactive) My start to this game was with the SKC server and EPG was 'SMT' and I left this game for a long time. When I came back to the game, I was playing FFS and 3R, then Lumiverse and now I am actively playing in TFF.
3-)Clans in which you have been ( Time you were in it rank and exit reason): =FoX=(Red Foxes) /6e / Sin(Sinister) / 7F(Relentess Fury) F1(Fast Ones) (don't remember all )
4-)What type of player (DM/WFF/DD) you are ? : WFF/HDM
5-) What are your goals in ''Zeitgeist'': To push myself further and spend time with active players
6-) How can we contact you (Skype/ Discord/ Whatsapp )?: Discord: xr3qix