1- Personal presentation:
Hi friends, my name is Bruno, I'm 24 years old and I'm from Brazil
2- Tell us about yourself:
I started playing in 2011 at SAMP and in 2013 I came to MTA to play on BR SERVERS, then FFS, TG, LxG. A few years later (2015- 2020) I started playing on TFF, XpR, PIA, Vultaic, FoXX, Lumiverse servers among others And in 2021 I ended up stopping playing because I lost my computer, moved to another city, new perspectives on life and got married (rip) But I'm back to playing now 100%
3- Clans in which you have been:
sK - Skilled (closed)
UnG - closed
PiA - closed
FoXX - Left after change of leadership
Ravens - closed
xz - left inactive
4- What type of player (DM/WFF/DD)?
Wff and hdm
5- What are your goals in "Zeitgeist"?
Well, as I was already in the clan and ended up leaving due to inactivity (I was the one who wanted to leave, as I wasn't playing anymore) so I know what the environment is like and how they are united as a family. I would like to help you in any way I can.
6-How can we contact you?