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Hayden's Join Request

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1.- Personal presentation (name, Nickname, age, current location): 

Hey! My name is Bruno but most of you know me as Hayden/haydd. I'm 23 years old and I live in Uruguay.

2.- Tell us about yourself (Story of your career in MTA): 

I started playing the game in 2010 and I first quit in 2014/2015 so I'll focus after I came back.
After coming back in 2019 I spent quite some time without any teams or friends, until one day I got the opportunity to join Iron Will. I dedicated seven months there (more or less) only playing WFF clanwars. I eventually found it somewhat boring and decided it was time for a change as WFF wasn't really for me, I preferred playing hunter but I wasn't skilled enough. Following this chapter, I turned my attention more towards the DM scene, both as a player and as a manager, being able to gain plenty of friendships and experience with teams like Nitrous Racing, Elite Players, Xenous, etc.

3.- Clans in which you have been (Time you were in it, rank and exit reason):

iW - 7 Months - WFF Squad, Left
Xz - 7-8 Months (not sure) - CoFounder/DM Squad, Left
xN - +1 Year (don't remember exactly) - DM Manager, Left
xen - 6 Months - DM Squad, Left (team stopped playing dm cws)
eP - 1.5 Years - DM Squad, Left (DM Squad closed)

4.- What type of player (DM/WFF/DD) you are?: 

I'm a DM player capable of playing WFF clanwars, however I'd prefer to just stick to DM for the moment.

5.- What are your goals in "Zeitgeist": 

The last few days I've been thinking about what I want to do and it's no secret that I'm looking to be active in DM clanwars again, and what better way to do it with the people that I've spent more time with whether it's in the game or in random discord calls. Every person that has helped me through my journey is in this team and I believe it's the best place to close my last chapter in the game.  

6.- How can we contact you (Skype, Discord, Whatsapp)?:

Discord: prodhaydd

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