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News #4 | Approaching Summer

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Approaching Summer

Hey everyone. There are a lot of things happened since the last news and we’re ready to tell you what’s new how we’re doing at the moment.

Let’s begin our text journey from…


Recently we’ve finally finished building our server to play DM/WFF events in much more pleasant atmosphere. All honor goes to @ Xz'HawK  for making all the job alone.
Following the link below you can know more detailed information on what the server consists of: new things, old but upgraded ones and fixed scripts.


And also since now we’re ready to support our bros Xtreme Pro Racers and provide our server to be played on for XHL tournament if needed.



We’re glad to welcome our new full members:
- @ Xz'cleanmetal

- @ Xz'LoL

- @ Xz'ZeAn

- @ Xz'Jegan (Zei)

- @ Xz'Lucho

- @ Xz'BladeZ

And also trials:

- @ Xz'Greck

- @ Xz'ronny

- @ Xz'bzrk

- @ Xz'Blind


And mention the ones who have left us:

- @ Nahar  (Retired)


A good thing to mention...


- @ Xz'Chanchi (Head of Forum Managers)
- @ Xz'Fars (WFF Clanwar Manager)
- @ Xz'Nitrix (WFF Squad Manager)
- @ Xz'quashy (
WFF Clanwar Manager
- @ Xz'Ceno  (WFF Squad Manager Assistant)


More detailed information about our roster changes with exact dates you can find here:





Since autumn we’ve played 8 WFF clanwars and 7 DM ones and the result of those will be shown below:

WFF section:

xz (Zeitgeist)  54 - 86 (Instinct to Kill) i2K

xz (Zeitgeist)  64 - 76 (International Team) INT

xz (Zeitgeist) 94 - 47 (United Force) uF

xz (Zeitgeist) 91 - 49 (Dangerous Skilled Team) DST

xz (Zeitgeist) 71 - 69  (International Team) INT

xz (Zeitgeist)  69 - 71 (Talca Racing) TR

xz (Zeitgeist) 96 - 44 (Boosted Gaming) B

xz (Zeitgeist)  55 - 85 (International Team) INT

DM section:

xz (Zeitgeist) 13 - 7 (The Favoured Few) TfF

xz (Zeitgeist) 13 - 7 (Talca Racing) TR

xz (Zeitgeist) 9 - 11 (Raven’s Gaming) R

xz (Zeitgeist) 9 - 11 (Zephyros) Zs

xz (Zeitgeist) 17 - 3 (Firestarters Of The Land) FOTL

xz (Zeitgeist) 7 - 13 (Elite Players) eP

xz (Zeitgeist) 11 - 9 (The Favoured Few) TfF


GG WP each team!



As you see there were many clanwars (15 in total) we’ve played and a lot of roster changes during the period from the end of autumn to the the end of spring.
We’re really glad to meet more new members who help us doing the stuff and just have fun with us and find their place here. And really sad to lose the ones who haven’t find their places here but all we can do is wish them luck in searching.
Looking at our scores, especially, WFF ones, we can say not all of results satisfy us, some of them even show our weak parts and motivate us to work harder and get better day by day. It’s not a rapid process, it takes time but since the first days Zeitgeist has been created, we’ve evolved a lot and went through many things. And we’re just gonna keep going forwards. Non-stopping.

Stay tuned for new announcements here on in our discord channel 
https://discord.gg/VyRdAMveEx 🙂

Best Regards, Nitrix, HawK and Zeitgeist Staff.



Edited by Nitrix
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